USDA Publishes CACFP Reimbursement Rates
USDA publishes two new studies focused on CACFP and child care participation
Geographic preference aka procuring local foods to become easier in child nutrition programs
[Take Action] It's time to comment on the Serious Deficiency proposed rule and you can use CACFP Roundtable's response for guidance
[SD Proposed Rule Discussion Prompt #2] Is it a Middle Step? Triggering determination would be a serious management problem with path to full correction
Am I going to get in trouble? Perspectives of serious deficiency in the CACFP heard in the Deliberative Forum + proposed rule information
Thoughts about Serious Deficiency in CACFP? Join us on March 27th for an important conversation to guide public comment to USDA
USDA Publishes Proposed Rule: Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and Summer Food Service Program
New From Team Nutrition! Menu Planners for CACFP
2023-2024 CACFP Reimbursement Rates have been published
CACFP Virtual Monitoring: Community Experiences
CACFP Roundtable's comment letter re: USDA proposed rule for alignment with dietary guidelines
Recording & Resources: Pandemic Era Flexibilities & Funding are Ending for CACFP
USDA Proposed Rule: Action link to comment for family child care providers
New USDA FNS proposed rule impacts CACFP in a few ways and USDA Webinar Recording
USDA Memos address the end of the public health emergency for CACFP
CN Labels, February menus, and what's new in the food buying guide...
USDA webinar about Keep Kids Fed Act: Extending flexibilities and increased reimbursements
Reminder: 2022-2023 child nutrition programs income eligibility guidelines are available
Keep Kids Fed Act Signed by President!✍️ Takes Effect July 1
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