USDA publishes two new studies focused on CACFP and child care participation
The Walking Classroom: Physical Activity and Learning...hear more about it this month!
Child care/ECE dashboards and CACFP maps
CN Labels, February menus, and what's new in the food buying guide...
Council for a Strong America says policymakers should promote access to child care and afterschool
CACFP Rates: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023
Keep Kids Fed Act Signed by President!✍️ Takes Effect July 1
Breaking News! Congress Passes Keep Kids Fed Act 🥳
Urgent Action Needed from CACFP Community: Good News from the Hill
Heart of Food with Care: Laura Diaz
USDA: Extend Area Eligibility Waiver for CACFP
Heart of Food with Care: Rhanda Ferro Jackson
Your Stories: The Heart of Food with Care
Food with Care (SB 1481) Jumps another Hurdle - More Success!
Food with Care Public Hearing
Make a Call Today for CACFP & Child Care
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