Food with Care (SB 1481) Jumps another Hurdle - More Success!
Show Your Support for Food with Care Today as we head into our next hearing!
Clarification for CA Sponsors of Family Child Care Homes re: Permanent Agreement with Provider
April Nutrition Edition is Here!
Seeking New Directors for the CACFP Roundtable Board
Food with Care (SB 1481) Passes Senate Ed Committee with Bipartisan Support!
Food with Care Public Hearing
New Branch Chief of CACFP at CDSS
CACFP Community Question: Seasonal Fruit on Menus Compliance
March CDSS CACFP Listserv Round Up
Action Alert:Submit a letter to support free meals for kids in child care and fair pay for providers
Resolution by House of Representatives supporting CACFP Week & within it notes essential impact
Crediting Grains as Ounce Equivalent Training
Volunteer to engage with us to make it possible for free meals for kids in child care throughout CA
It's National Nutrition Month - Let's make CACFP come alive!
Tell Congress to Extend the Waivers
Submit your comments in support of Food with Care via email!
In the News: CA Preschoolers Would Get Free Breakfast And Lunch Under New Bill
Hearing Tomorrow: Free Meals for Kids, Fair Pay for Child Care!
March Nutrition Edition is Here!
Support the Roundtable Today!