Geographic preference aka procuring local foods to become easier in child nutrition programs
Nominate an outstanding child nutrition professional (CACFP that's you!) to be an inspiration to others!
Save the Date! 2024 Family Child Care Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Summit
[Take Action] It's time to comment on the Serious Deficiency proposed rule and you can use CACFP Roundtable's response for guidance
Provide public comment confidently! Recording and Resources: Serious Deficiency, what you need to know to comment
[SD Discussion Prompt #3] Required immediate suspension for false claims
[SD Proposed Rule Discussion Prompt #2] Is it a Middle Step? Triggering determination would be a serious management problem with path to full correction
[SD Proposed Rule Discussion Prompt #1] Making the determination: the five criteria and the removal of the lists of serious deficiencies
Action Alert: 4/25 Food with Care is being heard by the CA Senate Budget Subcommittee 3 - provide your public comment
Am I going to get in trouble? Perspectives of serious deficiency in the CACFP heard in the Deliberative Forum + proposed rule information
Basics on the CN Labels and Reducing Added Sugars: April resources from the Institute of Child Nutrition
Thoughts about Serious Deficiency in CACFP? Join us on March 27th for an important conversation to guide public comment to USDA
Happy CACFP Week: Celebrating CACFP, Celebrating You!
Call for Presentation Proposals are Open for the Annual CACFP Conference
Child Care Organizations & Advocates Urge State to Seek Flexibilities to Modernize CACFP, Improve Access to Nutritious Meals, & Create a More Sustainable Nutrition Program
[Recording & Resources] The Walking Classroom: The Physical, Cognitive, & Behavioral Benefits
USDA Publishes Proposed Rule: Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and Summer Food Service Program
The Walking Classroom: Physical Activity and Learning...hear more about it this month!
Sign-on to show your support for a remote monitoring waiver for CACFP in California
Child care/ECE dashboards and CACFP maps
Support the Roundtable Today!