Grab-n-Go Community of Practice Meeting
National Nutrition Month and CACFP Week
Food Safety in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Online Course
CDE to CDSS Transition Plan Draft Published for Comment
Have Fewer than 20 Employees? From 2/24 through 3/10 - Only You can Apply for PPP
CDE Presents a Town Hall about CACFP At-Risk Attendance Requirements on February 23
CDE Presents a CACFP Emergency Operating Costs During COVID-19 Webinar
National Day of Action to Urge Passage of #AmericanRescuePlan - 2/22/21
COVID-19 Attendance Requirements for Child and Adult Care Food Program At-risk Afterschool Meals
Racial Justice and Equity Education and Conversations and Resources
CACFP Emergency Funds California Update
Recommendations to States re: CACFP Emergency Operational Costs
Launching the Featured CACFP Emerging Leaders Program
Resources to Help Educate Parents and Providers about CACFP & Child Health and Wellness
Celebrating Black History Month
Webinar 2/11/21 with USDA - Keep P-EBT for Child Care on Your Radar and Understand How it Works
California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Closes February 8
CDE Provides Communication Regarding Emergency Funds
USDA/FNS releases updated guidance for P-EBT, including child care
FNS Publishes Guidance on Emergency Funds
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