CACFP Roundtable Membership Letter and Packet
5 Tips for Attending A Virtual Conference in 2021
Annual CACFP Conference scholarships available right now!
Wondering how our virtual conference is going to work? We've got you covered...
CACFP & License-Exempt (FFN) Child Care Provider Town Hall Recording and Resources
Members: Nutrition Edition is Here and Member Meeting Next Week!
Live Chef and Mixology Demo at the 30th Annual CACFP Virtual Conference!
CACFP Community Events Coming Your Way: FFN Town Hall, CDSS Waiver Discussion, and Conference
Meet Our New Directors
Introducing to You the Roundtable CACFP Leaders!
The Roundtable is Hosting Mental Health and Wellness Events for You This May - Come Join Us!
May Nutrition Edition Is Here!
March News from CDE: CACFP Integrity Plan, Cash-in-Lieu of Foods Survey, Emergency Costs & '21 Forum
March CACFP Town Hall Q&A with USDA and CDE
CDE Presents a CACFP Emergency Operating Costs During COVID-19 Webinar
Recommendations to States re: CACFP Emergency Operational Costs
Launching the Featured CACFP Emerging Leaders Program
January 2021 CACFP Town Hall
Our fiscal sponsor changed - tell your finance staff
Happy Holidays from CCFP Roundtable
Support the Roundtable Today!