CACFP operators need an additional meal and Sponsors of homes are experiencing challenges: Two research briefs
Virtual/Remote Monitoring Waiver for Sponsors of Homes Approval and Guidance in CA
New Study: CACFP Family Child Care Home Providers' Perceptions of Impacts of Increased Meal & Snack Reimbursement during Pandemic
Remote/Virtual Monitoring Waiver Open to Apply for In California
USDA Publishes CACFP Reimbursement Rates
New research brief explores perspectives on the Child and Adult Care Food Program’s serious deficiency process
August Recess: Advocate for improving CACFP, visit with Congress members while they're home & invite them to your programs
We took CACFP to the California state capitol!
[Take Action] It's time to comment on the Serious Deficiency proposed rule and you can use CACFP Roundtable's response for guidance
[SD Discussion Prompt #3] Required immediate suspension for false claims
[SD Proposed Rule Discussion Prompt #2] Is it a Middle Step? Triggering determination would be a serious management problem with path to full correction
Am I going to get in trouble? Perspectives of serious deficiency in the CACFP heard in the Deliberative Forum + proposed rule information
Thoughts about Serious Deficiency in CACFP? Join us on March 27th for an important conversation to guide public comment to USDA
Child Care Organizations & Advocates Urge State to Seek Flexibilities to Modernize CACFP, Improve Access to Nutritious Meals, & Create a More Sustainable Nutrition Program
USDA Publishes Proposed Rule: Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and Summer Food Service Program
Sign-on to show your support for a remote monitoring waiver for CACFP in California
Child care/ECE dashboards and CACFP maps
Government shut down averted...for now: an update and what a shutdown would mean for CACFP
Heart of Food with Care: Miren Algorri
A THIRD bill was introduced in Congress to strengthen CACFP! This time it's in the Senate
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