Today Marks the End of Increased CACFP Reimbursements as the Keep Kids Fed Act Expires
CACFP Virtual Monitoring: Different Needs = Needed Flexibility
Recording & Resources: Pandemic Era Flexibilities & Funding are Ending for CACFP
Changes coming this summer for CACFP family child care providers: tools to help communicate
USDA Memos address the end of the public health emergency for CACFP
Urgent Action Needed from CACFP Community: Good News from the Hill
Heart of Food with Care: Laura Diaz
Heart of Food with Care: Rhanda Ferro Jackson
Infant Formula Shortage and Recall Resources
Food with Care Public Hearing
Tell Congress to Extend the Waivers
Study suggests CACFP sites may have a greater capacity to connect families to food resources
Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit Sharing Resources
Share Your Story: Impact of the Child Nutrition Nationwide Waivers
CA - Emergency Operational Costs Reimbursements were disbursed to Sponsors on 11/23
USDA News: New Q&A and FY 2022 Census/Area Eligibility Data
CACFP Waiver Elections, SY 21/22 - updated guidance from CDE and CDSS
USDA Team Nutrition Updates Providing Multiple Meals at a Time for Children During COVID-19
FRAC Releases Easy-to-Use Tier 1 For a Year Communications!
USDA Providing Resources for Dynamic School Meals as the Nation Continues to Navigate COVID
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