[Take Action] It's time to comment on the Serious Deficiency proposed rule and you can use CACFP Roundtable's response for guidance
[SD Discussion Prompt #3] Required immediate suspension for false claims
[SD Proposed Rule Discussion Prompt #2] Is it a Middle Step? Triggering determination would be a serious management problem with path to full correction
Action Alert: 4/25 Food with Care is being heard by the CA Senate Budget Subcommittee 3 - provide your public comment
Am I going to get in trouble? Perspectives of serious deficiency in the CACFP heard in the Deliberative Forum + proposed rule information
Thoughts about Serious Deficiency in CACFP? Join us on March 27th for an important conversation to guide public comment to USDA
Happy CACFP Week: Celebrating CACFP, Celebrating You!
Call for Presentation Proposals are Open for the Annual CACFP Conference
Child Care Organizations & Advocates Urge State to Seek Flexibilities to Modernize CACFP, Improve Access to Nutritious Meals, & Create a More Sustainable Nutrition Program
[Recording & Resources] The Walking Classroom: The Physical, Cognitive, & Behavioral Benefits
USDA Publishes Proposed Rule: Serious Deficiency Process in the CACFP and Summer Food Service Program
The Walking Classroom: Physical Activity and Learning...hear more about it this month!
Sign-on to show your support for a remote monitoring waiver for CACFP in California
Child care/ECE dashboards and CACFP maps
Government shut down averted...for now: an update and what a shutdown would mean for CACFP
CA CACFP Child Care Center Staff: Save the Date for in-person CDSS Training
January Resources and Opportunities from the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN)
Heart of Food with Care: Miren Algorri
New From Team Nutrition! Menu Planners for CACFP
A look back at the 32nd Annual CACFP Conference and the Family Child Care Provider Summit
Support the Roundtable Today!