November Nutrition Resources and Farm to ECE Grant Open
Announcing! CACFP Leadership Institute
Banana Ice Cream, Gardening with Children, & Navigating Nutrition Facts Labels
Nutrition education resources: healthy snack ideas, standardizing recipes, & family style meal service
Am I going to get in trouble? Perspectives of serious deficiency in the CACFP heard in the Deliberative Forum + proposed rule information
[Recording & Resources] The Walking Classroom: The Physical, Cognitive, & Behavioral Benefits
CA CACFP Child Care Center Staff: Save the Date for in-person CDSS Training
January Resources and Opportunities from the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN)
September Webinar Training by ICN with the Roundtable: Foundations for Training Excellence
Staying Compliant with CACFP Regulations: Management & Budgeting Plans
Culturally Inclusive Teaching in the Garden, a webinar series by KidsGardening
Getting CACFP Programs Ready for Summer Food Service - Resources and Webinar Recording
CN Labels, February menus, and what's new in the food buying guide...
Update about Nutrition Editions
Webinar: Food Safety Needs of Adult Day Care Centers in the CACFP
June Nutrition Edition is Here!
Feeding Infants in CACFP Training
Let's Make a Snack! CACFP Snack Menu Planner for Children 3-18 Years
May Nutrition Edition is Here!
CACFP iTrain Simple Lesson Plans from ICN
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