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USDA Team Nutrition Updates Providing Multiple Meals at a Time for Children During COVID-19

Writer: Samantha MarshallSamantha Marshall

Focused on School Year 2021-2022, USDA has updated last year's resource providing guidance to CACFP operators who are serving bulk meals during the pandemic. The resource defines the flexibilities provided during this time, best practices for serving bulk meals and charts to help you follow CACFP meal patterns for this different type of meal service. Click here for the resource.


If you are in California and serving bulk meals or a sponsor helping centers/homes provide bulk meals, the CDE/NSD integrity plan has a check list of things to consider in their CACFP Integrity Plan which you can find here.

Here are some additional resources for serving meals in bulk through CACFP, food safety and as we continue through this pandemic, a resource about Creating Healthy and Safe Child Nutrition Environment in Challenging Times. Find the resource here.


It's crazy to think that pandemic related content, such as the above, is relevant for our conference an entire year after the last one; but here we are and the CACFP Roundtable is once again providing relevant and timely sessions at our 30th Annual Virtual CACFP Conference. Register now and join us in October to learn, share and support each other throughout our CACFP Community.


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