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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Marshall

USDA Q&A Clarifying Waivers: CACFP at risk activities and extra meal, tiering eligibility and more

On November 2, USDA published "Questions and Answers Relating to the Nationwide Waiver to Allow Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option Operations during School Year 2020-2021 - Q&As #3." While the title of the memo seems focused on SFSP and SSO, Q&A numbers 3-6 deal directly with CACFP.

#3 Addresses whether or not an activity is for an at risk program considered "available to all" if an electronic activity is provided and a child does not have access to the required electronic device.

#4 Addresses at-risk centers providing extended care, can they claim an additional meal?

#5 Addresses family child care homes and eligibility to be moved from tier 2 to tier 1 based one month's worth of income.

#6 Addresses whether or not child care centers can provide a combination of congregate and non-congregate meals.

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Have you registered for the CACFP Virtual Conference? USDA will be there hear from you and answer your questions! Don't miss out on this chance for further clarity on all of your CACFP concerns. Submit a question to USDA here. Register to hear the answer here.

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