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Writer's pictureSamantha Marshall


Below is some text CACFP Sponsors, family child care provider associations, child care resource and referral (CCR&Rs) other provider facing organizations can use to educate family child care providers about Tier 1 for a Year. The CACFP Roundtable feels it is important to make clear that this is for one year, still worth it and use this time to advocate for eliminating tiering beyond this year of eligibility. Please use parts of it as you see fit for your organization. Let us know if you have questions and don't forget to document, document, document so we can show congress after this year, not only the increase in equitable access to healthy meals in child care, but also the crucial impact of the CACFP on the care economy at large.

You can access the shareable image as well as the text below in a google document in this folder. Share your messages with us or any other experiences you're having with #tier1forayear below in the comments or email me,

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Take What you Will and Tailor it for your needs

Short Version

USDA issued an eligibility waiver on April 20, 2021, which effectively reimburses ALL family child care providers at the tier 1 rate for one year.

  • For one year beginning on July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, all tier 2 providers will receive tier 1 rates.

  • If you are tier 1, you will continue to be tier 1. If you are tier 2, you will automatically be reimbursed at the tier 1 rate.

Long Version

As you may have heard, USDA issued an eligibility waiver on April 19, 2021, which effectively makes ALL family child care providers tier 1 for one year.

Things you should know:

  • This is for one year beginning on July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

  • If you are tier 1, you will continue to be tier 1. If you are tier 2, you will be reimbursed at the tier 1 rate for all of the children in your care for the time period above.

  • States are awaiting further guidance from USDA about how to implement this waiver and we will continue to keep you informed as we learn more.

  • Not all USDA waivers are automatic, your state will need to elect to be a part of it.

  • There is a common question about whether or not the provider’s own children will automatically qualify for tier 1, this has been raised to the state and USDA.

Tom Copeland is providing a webinar on June 8th to give an overview of what this means for your pocketbook and your taxes. It is full but you can register and receive the recording. Tom says “This new change represents a 48% reimbursement rate increase for Tier II providers! If a Tier II provider serves breakfast, lunch and a snack, she will now receive $1,242 per child per year, up from $595. (Note: the new Food Program reimbursement rates will be announced in July.)” ~ Tom Copeland Learn more.

We are excited that all of our providers will be tier 1 regardless of eligibility but we do know it can be frustrating to be tier 1 for only one year. Now would be a great time to tell your congressperson why tiering should be eliminated. It is also the time that congress reevaluates the food program and strengthens it. There is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate that you can tell your congress people to support, it doesn’t eliminate tiering but it does provide for an extra meal! Learn more here.


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