Take Action!
We need your help to overturn the racist state policy that discriminates against family child care providers.
California’s child care system has a legacy of undervaluing and underpaying labor historically performed by Black, Latina, and immigrant women of color. This inequity is continued with our state currently requiring family child care providers to be reimbursed for only 75% of the meals served to kids in their care. Income levels for these workers are often below a thriving or even living wage, making it difficult for the children and providers to be food secure.
Join us in combating this issue by signing on to our letter, requesting the investment in family child care to close the unfair meal reimbursement gap. The deadline to add your organization to the list advocating for equitable nourishment for all children is end of business, March 6.
Crosspost from Nourish California, Bill CoSponsors
Last year, Governor Newsom added back into the California state budget the State Meal Reimbursement. This has been something advocates have been fighting for a return of for about ten years and was a welcome improvement. The State Meal Reimbursement provides an additional reimbursement for Breakfast and Lunch served through CACFP for child care providers in the state of California. However, child care providers receive a smaller portion of that than the traditional K-12 system, and family child care providers receive even a smaller portion than that.
See the rates here.
This bill and budget ask would ensure all child care providers receive the same state meal reimbursement rate.
Please support the budget letter. A seemingly small but truly mighty step in addressing the systemic racism that plagues the child care field in California and across the nation.
Fill out this survey to tell us what you want to see at the Annual CACFP Conference this year!