Highlighting a few resources for child care as the industry navigates reopening or staying open as we move along during this pandemic. There are guidance and resources to be considered generally, as well as specific health and wellness resources in relation to COVID-19 and child care.
Whether to Close or Stay Open: One of the Hardest Decisions in Child Care: Article by Child Care Aware of America walking through topics such as Community Context, Operational Considerations and Financial Factors
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECKLC) - COVID-19 and Early Care and Education Considerations Before Reopening: Self -Paced Learning Module to walk programs through the myriad of things such as drop off/pick up, written policies, daily health checks, inclusion and exclusion due to illness and much more.
Insights, Perspectives and Best Practices as Child Care Environments Re-open: The Council for Professional Recognition (Child Development Associate - CDA) provides some best practices to consider.
Engage Families and Staff about COVID-19 Protocols Using Media Literacy: In the many survey's I've read, there are common stressors about parents either taking COVID-19 too seriously or not seriously enough. This webinar will give us strategies to use to talk with parents.
Mental Health and Wellness Resources: for those providing care to children, this is a list curated by the Office of Child Care with resources for families, children and the caregivers.
Child Care Aware of America's most recent email from their Emergency Child Care & Technical Assistance Center has policy and advocacy resources, what to do during hurricanes and wildfires - while still dealing with a pandemic, webinars and panels, kindergarten transition resources and more.
Posters and Handouts to Reduce the Risk of Spread: Topics are, Reduce the Risk of Spreading COVID-19 Poster, Symptoms to Look for during morning health checks, preparing your program for COVID-19 pandemic, step by step cleaning for child care, disinfecting your child care programs, supplies to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, using disinfectants safely, when to wash hands and washing hands properly.
HealthyChildren.org, by the American Academy of Pediatrics has a ton of helpful fact based information that helps us understand many parts of the pandemic and can help us communicate about it. Particularly as child care providers ponder how to best care for a child during this time. Here is a post about Cloth Face Covering for Children During COVID-19.
How To Implement Physical Activity in ECE Settings with Physical Distancing: The goal of this webinar training is to share ideas and successes on how to implement physical activity in ECE settings during the current COVID-19 emergency. This webinar will include Children's Council, San Francisco sharing about ways they have implemented PA while meeting physical distancing guidelines, and PA modification ideas from Dr. Diane Craft. We will also share on ECE physical activity resources, such as the ECE PA Toolkit, and how certain activities in the resources can be modified to support physical activity efforts while physical distancing.
Reopening Child Care Centers: Dr. Calvin Moore, Jr., CEO of The Council for Professional Recognition (CDA) talks about reopening child care centers.
ChildCare.gov COVID-19 Resources and Information - pulls together COVID-19 links for each state including: COVID-19 information, COVID-19 Information for Providers, Child Care Financial Assistance, Status of Child Care, Emergency Care Information, Help Finding Child Care.
Office of Child Care - COVID-19 Resources - including FAQs for policy makers and administrators regarding how CCDF funds can be used.
Early Childhood Investigations Webinars: COVID-19 Resources
Do you have a favorite go-to resource? Share with us! coordinator@ccfproundtable.org
For a list of resources that you can filter through focused on CACFP and COVID-19 - Click here.