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  • Writer's pictureElyse Homel Vitale

New Website for Roundtable Members!

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

New year, new look! We've updated and upgraded the CCFP Roundtable website. To access your full member benefits you will need to create an account on the new website (see our simple instructions below).

On the new website with your membership you now can access:

• Member Meeting notes, video recordings, and other materials

• Nutrition Editions

• Bi-Monthly Newsletters

BRAND NEW members-only CACFP discussion forum and RT TV

How to activate your membership for the new website:

STEP 1: Go to

(✔️ – you are already here!).

STEP 2: Go to top right corner and click "Log In."

STEP 3: Click "Sign up." See image >>

STEP 4: Fill in the short form, including your work email and a password of your choice; click "Sign Up."

That's all you need to do!

Give us 24 hours to confirm your membership and you will be notified of that your membership has been activated for the new website.

🎗️ Don't forget: Your membership includes everyone on your team. So please share this blog with your colleagues and have them sign up too.

Need to renew your CCFP Roundtable membership? You can do that here.

We look forward to seeing you at our new virtual table!

Questions? Contact Elyse Homel Vitale or start a live chat with us (green bubble in the bottom right corner).

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