What's inside the February 2022, Nutrition Edition, Issue 125? Well, let me tell you!
Understanding Growth Charts
Cultural Cuisines - Ethiopia
Promoting Dental Health
Cupid's Arrows
Ethiopian Split Pea Soup
Fuel & Fitness
How do you make a soup golden?
We would love to hear how you use the Nutrition Edition in your programs! Please share samantha@ccfproundtable.org.
The CACFP Roundtable is committed to fostering a community of leaders who work together to build equitable access to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and nutritious meals in care settings. Your support goes toward programs and advocacy that help us get closer to ensuring everyone has the right to nutritious meals and making the CACFP an even better Food Program for all.
The next CACFP Roundtable Member Meeting is March 24 at 10:30 a.m. Don't miss your opportunity to talk with your colleagues, get a Roundtable update and discuss the latest topics and questions with CDSS, CACFP Branch.
Cannot access the nutrition edition issue #125 Growth Chart. when you click it says forbidden.