Today is Child Tax Credit Day of Action! Here are some resources to share the information about the Child Tax Credit. The Baby's First Years study shows the positive impact that just "$333 in monthly cash support" can make on a baby's development. This is what the Child Tax Credit can do.
"As part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, many parents and guardians are eligible for the Child Tax Credit and many people are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Everyone needs to file a tax return to get their full Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit. Go to ChildTaxCredit.Gov for information on how to get free assistance filing your taxes"
This fact sheet is a great tool to share about the Child Tax Credit process and opportunities! There are also social media options to help you share with your networks.
Here are some additional steps you can take to get the word out:
Print and distribute the fact sheet with information on CTC/EITC and how to get help with free filing. Refer people to tax filing support options – such as VITA.
Use the social media material to push out to your lists and add to your websites.
Connect people to free tax filing services by:
Prepping your front desk staff with basic facts to share and free tax preparation referrals - talking points in the toolkit
Putting a hold message on public call lines with information – we can provide a script
Host events that guide people through how to get their CTC/EITC utilizing the free tax preparation resources available through
Text copied and slightly modified from Coalition for Human Needs email sent on 2/7/2022.