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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Marshall

CACFP is an Overlooked Opportunity says the Urban Institute

In a blog post on May 4th, the Urban Institute argues that barriers need to be removed so that more home-based child care providers can participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). In this post they provide the landscape of home-based child care, why expanding participation on CACFP would be beneficial to the children and providers and offer suggestions for how policymakers can help home-based child care providers participate on the program. A few of these recommendations include:

  • helping sponsors expand participation in hard-to-serve areas,

  • ease administrative burden,

  • fairly compensate providers,

  • allow virtual visits to continue post-COVID; and

  • improve coordination between CACFP and other agencies.

In April 2021 the Urban Institute also published a brief called "The Child and Adult Care Food Program and Home-Based Child Care Providers: Expanding Participation" which delves further into the barriers and possibilities of enabling more providers and children to access the CACFP.

What are your thoughts on expanding participation of home-based child care in the CACFP? Share in the comments below or email me,


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